First Watch

My Giant Sequoia Redwood Tree

My Giant Sequoia Redwood Tree
About 1 month after planting

My Giant Sequoia Redwood Tree (Looking North)

My Giant Sequoia Redwood Tree (Looking North)
This was taken right after the Redwood Tree was first planted in my Florida yard.

Magocratic Redwood Tree Community

Magocratic Redwood Tree Community
Redwood Magocracy

Magickal Redwood Tree House Tour

Click on the front door to enter and exit the Home.

Magickal Redwood Tree House Tour

Click the front door to enter and exit the Home, and click the purple spaces to navigate within the Home. Hover over the interior doors to see what rooms they are, and the name of each room will show on the upper screen in the Flash window below.

Grand Redwood Hall, Redwood Multiverse

Grand Redwood Hall, Redwood Multiverse
Grand Redwood Hall, Redwood Multiverse

Magickal One-Log House Interior

Magickal One-Log House Interior
Magickal One-Log House Interior

Monday, June 21, 2010

Redwood Tree Fact: "KIHL" Is An Ancient Yurok Tribal Word For "Redwood Tree"

Really recently, I have been searching for some (any) Native American God(s) that may have been believed to preside over Redwood Trees.

My search led me to a Californian Native American tribe called the Yurok. I stumbled onto a Yurok language dictionary at that had the word, "KIHL" meaning Redwood Tree in the Yurok language.

The pronunciation can be heard at

This was great progress, though I would still like to find out if there were any (Native American or other) Gods in History or the Present that would be believed to preside over Redwood Trees.

Anyone knowing and willing to share this information, please leave a comment on this post!

Thank You,

Josh Cramer