First Watch

My Giant Sequoia Redwood Tree

My Giant Sequoia Redwood Tree
About 1 month after planting

My Giant Sequoia Redwood Tree (Looking North)

My Giant Sequoia Redwood Tree (Looking North)
This was taken right after the Redwood Tree was first planted in my Florida yard.

Magocratic Redwood Tree Community

Magocratic Redwood Tree Community
Redwood Magocracy

Magickal Redwood Tree House Tour

Click on the front door to enter and exit the Home.

Magickal Redwood Tree House Tour

Click the front door to enter and exit the Home, and click the purple spaces to navigate within the Home. Hover over the interior doors to see what rooms they are, and the name of each room will show on the upper screen in the Flash window below.

Grand Redwood Hall, Redwood Multiverse

Grand Redwood Hall, Redwood Multiverse
Grand Redwood Hall, Redwood Multiverse

Magickal One-Log House Interior

Magickal One-Log House Interior
Magickal One-Log House Interior

Monday, April 26, 2010

Records of Watering (April 23-26, 2010)

3 gallons of water per day, except for the days when it rains...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Records of Watering (April 21-22, 2010)

I've been still giving my Giant Sequoia three gallons of water per day.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Records of Watering for (April 17-20, 2010)

It rained a little on and off for four days, so I did not give it water, since the rain water did well. I gave the Giant Sequoia 3 more gallons of water on April 20, 2010, but then it rained some more later on that day. It still seems healthy.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Record of Watering (April 16, 2010)

My Giant Sequoia received 3 gallons of watering at 5:00 pm this afternoon on April 16, 2010.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Record of Watering (April 15, 2010)

My Giant Sequoia received 3 gallons of watering at 3:00 pm this afternoon on April 15, 2010.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Giant Sequoia Planted In My Florida Yard In The Northern Tampa Bay Area

I ordered a Giant Sequoia measuring about 40" to 42" tall from California a few days ago, and I have just recieved my Giant Sequoia from Welker's Grove Nursery ( today on Wednesday, April 14, 2010.

I have planted my Giant Sequoia in the shade under 4 "regular" Florida trees in my yard.

I do not have much of any gardening experience, but I have recieved assistance and advice from a local gardener.

Today, I have given the Giant Sequoia three gallons of water, and I will need to give it three more gallons of water tommorrow, while repeating the cycle of three gallons of water per day for three weeks. After three weeks have passed, then I can give it three gallons of water every other day instead of every day.

I will post more information as more events happen...

My Giant Sequoia in West Central Florida

Standing South of the Giant Sequoia, and looking North: